If you want to become a dominant player in the digital marketing space, it’s important to stay current with the latest trends. If you’re not in line with the latest technologies, fashions, and customer preferences, you’ll quickly be eclipsed by your attentive and modern competitors.
Some trends emerge out of nowhere due to the radical introduction of a dynamic new technology, but others are more gradual and easier to trace. For the coming year, we're looking at the following trends as some of the most important and the most valuable to add to your campaign.
First off, there's personalization, and by extension, hyper-personalization. Personalization isn't necessarily a new marketing tactic; for many decades, companies have attempted to reach customers with more relevant messaging on an individual level.
Rather than broadcasting a simple, generic message to an audience of thousands or millions, you're coming to each individual in your audience with a message that's specifically tailored to them.
There are many advantages to this, because of:
Personalization is becoming easier and more accessible, which is why it's going to be so important to incorporate in your digital marketing campaigns in 2022 and beyond. Notably, Viewed.video is developing tools that make it easy even for amateurs to create video experiences that are hyper-personalized.
Today’s personalization is also much more advanced than it’s been in the past. When sending video via email, for example, companies would historically customize the video by inserting someone's name, or possibly a snippet of individually relevant text. But these days, companies can customize videos with responsive voiceovers, different photos, and dozens of other variables.
Streaming video is also becoming more available and more important for campaigns. That doesn’t mean your company needs to create its own video streaming app, however; most entrepreneurs can get involved simply by including more live streaming video in their email campaigns. With the right tech tools, like those offered by Viewed.video, you can embed a streaming video in an email blast to your audience. This allows you to live stream seminars, conferences, and other events, bringing your digital audience into the fold. You could also use streaming video as part of a lecture series or to promote your latest products and services in real time.
However you choose to use streaming video, you’ll enjoy several advantages, such as:
What is a hybrid event, exactly?
Before the COVID-19 pandemic, events were almost exclusively hosted in a live, physical environment, forcing attendees to leave their homes and meet up with each other in person. During the COVID-19 pandemic, everything changed, and event planners started optimizing their events for purely digital experiences.
Now that the worst of the COVID-19 pandemic is behind us, we're starting to enter a new era where events exist both virtually and physically. Companies are planning to host in-person events like trade shows and conferences with digital options for people who want to attend remotely. These types of events have the potential to reach much wider audiences if they're done correctly. That means hosting and promoting two slightly different versions of the same event, potentially to different audience segments.
For the last several years, businesses have been practicing local optimization, fine tuning their digital marketing strategies to appeal to people within a specific city. But in 2022 and beyond, traditional local optimization may not be enough to reach your full potential.
Instead, you may need to practice geofencing, which allows you to draw imaginary boundaries around an area that represents your business’s territory. When someone crosses one of these boundaries and comes closer to being within physical proximity of your business, you can market to them specifically with push notifications, emails, or other forms of marketing. It's a simple, yet effective way to capitalize on nearby audiences.
Are you getting ready to compete with your top rivals in 2022? Do you need better tech tools to support your latest digital marketing tactics? Sign up for Viewed.video for free and start reinventing your campaigns for the modern era!