Email marketing and digital trends

How to Use HubSpot to Improve Outbound Sales

Written by Viewed | Aug 23, 2022 8:50:51 AM

Countless businesses rely on HubSpot as a tool to improve their sales, marketing, advertising, social media, and more. It's certainly robust, and it has a lot to offer, but are you confident you're taking full advantage of this tool for your outbound sales strategy?

The Basics of HubSpot

In case you’re not familiar with it, HubSpot is a CRM platform primarily – a customer relationship management platform. In its own words, “HubSpot is a CRM platform that brings everything scaling companies need to deliver a best-in-class customer experience into one place. Our crafted, not cobbled solution helps teams grow with tools that are powerful alone, but better together.”

There are five “hubs” within HubSpot’s platform designed to help you coordinate efforts across multiple departments:

  •       Marketing. For starters, you'll have access to a marketing platform that helps you plan and execute campaigns across a variety of channels, including content marketing, e-mail marketing, social media, and even digital advertising.
  •       Sales. You'll also have access to a sales platform that helps you generate leads, track those leads, improved conversions, and increase the efficiency of your sales pipeline.
  •       CMS. Your content management system (CMS) will help you develop and coordinate the publication and distribution of your best content, across all channels.
  •       Service. What happens when your existing customers have an issue or a question that needs to be answered? That's where HubSpot’s service platform comes into play. With it, you can keep track of all customer conversations and serve your customers better.
  •       Operations. The operations platform also allows you to coordinate your business strategy across multiple departments and improve internal efficiency.

HubSpot benefits

Ultimately, HubSpot offers several benefits, including:

  •       Visibility and a single source of truth (SSoT). In information science, a “single source of truth” (SSoT) is a single location where all parties can reliably find the most accurate, up-to-date data within an organization. As organizations grow, data becomes more distributed and less certain, adding unnecessary confusion to your processes. Because HubSpot is centralized, all your employees can equally access the information they need.
  •       Lead and conversion tracking (and optimization). HubSpot has built-in tools for lead and conversion tracking, allowing you to keep tabs on all the leads you've generated, the process those leads have gone through, and how many conversions you're earning. Additionally, there are tools in place to help you optimize your lead generation and conversion optimization strategies. Over time, you can experiment with new techniques and add better technological tools to improve your performance.
  •       Marketing tools. Sophisticated marketing tools help you plan and execute campaigns with strategic assets, templates, and guides. Even if you're only familiar with the absolute basics of marketing, you can find success with this platform.
  •       Sales tools. The same is true of the sales platform. Sales people are given a robust set of tools they can use to better understand their audience, have better conversations, and ultimately close more deals.
  •       Workflows and automation. HubSpot is also beneficial because it gives users control over workflows and automation, eliminating manual effort and allowing you to get more done in less time.
  •       Live chat and chatbots. Live chat and chatbot tools boost the efficiency of your customer service department, serving customers faster and more thoroughly while simultaneously requiring less effort.
  •       Data analytics and reporting. Throughout all of HubSpot’s platforms, you'll find in-depth data tracking and analytics tools you can use to figure out exactly how your company is performing and how it can perform better.

How to Boost Outbound Sales Through HubSpot

So what steps can you take to improve your HubSpot performance? How do you use HubSpot to improve outbound sales?

  •       Watch tutorials and read guides. To take full advantage of the HubSpot platform, it's important to watch all the tutorials and read as many guides as you can. There are countless tools and templates you can use within HubSpot, but if you don't know they exist, you're not going to be able to take advantage of them.
  •       Participate in the community. Similarly, it pays to stay involved in the community. HubSpot community forums and related groups are excellent resources you can use to discover how other people and businesses are using this tool and mimic the strategies that have made them successful.
  •       Train your team to be consistent. Your outbound sales won't increase unless your team is consistently using this tool to its fullest potential. Make sure to train and educate your salespeople so they can take full advantage of this robust platform.
  •       Use third party enhancements. HubSpot offers many advantages, but it can’t do everything. Accordingly, you may benefit from using third party enhancements.
  •      Use the power of automation. One of the greatest advantages of HubSpot is its potential for automation, so try to take full advantage of it. Automate anything and everything you can to minimize manual effort and improve consistency.
  •       Take advantage of experiments. How do you know what's going to improve outbound sales and what is it? For the most part, the only way to know for sure is to conduct an experiment. Fortunately, HubSpot makes this easy; AB tests and other experimental tools can help you gather the data you need to improve your approach.
  •       Continue learning and growing. Make a concentrated effort to continue learning and growing. There are always new tools and new features to try, so don’t get complacent with your outbound sales strategy; instead, keep adapting and improving.

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