Email marketing and digital trends

Hot Sale: Get to know all about the perfect email marketing campaign

Written by Viewed | Apr 7, 2021 4:23:02 AM

Ready, set, go ... the sale seasons in USA and Latin America are about to begin with the Hot Sale; a commercial event that will take place from May 23rd to 31st.

This event is very important to give a strong boost to your eCommerce and increase your online sales, this event will allow you to reach more and new users.

In fact, this event grows more and more with each year, in its last edition the campaign generated a growth of 158%, obtaining a sales record with 69% more than in 2019.

On this occasion, we want to help you with recommendations to create your email marketing campaign and thus increase your conversion rate.

You are in time for preparing your email marketing strategy, however if you still don't know when is the best time to launch it, we recommend you downloading our Email Marketing Plan, in it you will find the most important trade dates as well as suggestions for content for each of your emails.

Prepare the ground for the Hot Sale

Like any good email marketing strategy, it is important that you plan ahead for what will happen before and during the campaign.

One or two months before the Hot Sale starts, you should prepare the ground so that sales are generated during these days:

  1. Strengthen your database acquisition strategies through your website, social networks and your physical stores. Run campaigns in which you invite and motivate your customers to register on your forms to receive news, discounts and exclusive promotions.
  2. Work on an empathy map. Start collecting, through short questionnaires, information about your customers to better understand their feelings and needs. This is very important before you start sending promotional emails, since 66% of people unsubscribe from email subscriptions, because they do not match their interests.

  3. Plan and establish the days and times in which you will send your emails based on the times of greatest activity of your users. These hours are not the same for all industries or market segments, so we recommend you to review the opening statistics of your previous campaigns.

  4. Through your newsletter, start promoting your seasonal products and services, launches, latest articles or the highest-stock items with their regular prices. In this way you will awaken in your customers the desire of buying and you will allow them to begin to pre selection of their preference ítems.

Create expectation

It's time to get down to work, a couple of weeks before the Hot Sale starts, start launching your campaign directly and clearly with general information about the promotions you will have during this event.

It is the key moment to achieve greater recognition of your brand, exponentially increase the curiosity and desire of buying of your consumers.

Remember that during these dates, your clients will receive large amounts of promotional emails, therefore you must stand out among your competitors.

The best way to stand out above your competition and generate expectation among your recipients is through a video email, due to its ability to persuade and attract.

The video email will allow you to remain in the mind of your consumers for longer, because it captures their attention from the first moment, thanks to the Autoplay function of Viewed, since your video will be played automatically when you open the e-mail.

You can create a video in which you transmit general aspects of the offers that you will have during the Hot Sale, it can be by department or product category, you can also make exclusive launch campaigns for those dates, just be careful about giving too many details.

It is also a very good moment for you to publicize the benefits that your brand offers, for example: loyalty programs, departmental cards, payment and shipping options.

One or two days before the Hot Sale starts, you can send discount codes or coupons to all your customers.

Let the Hot Sale begin

The moment of truth has arrived, it is at this stage that everything you have worked on will generate results, but it does not mean that you should lower your guard, so we have prepared 6 recommendations for the creation of successful emails for this last stage.

  1. Subject: the most important thing is to get users to open the email, as we have already mentioned, during these dates many emails are sent and received, so getting lost in this agglomeration of information is very easy. Personalize the issues, generate a sense of urgency and use numbers or percentages.
  2. Content: be clear with your promotions, don't leave information to the imagination, it is time for your consumers to know exactly the discounts you are offering.

  3. CTA: takes traffic directly to the products within your eCommerce, there is nothing more annoying for users than clicking on a product they want to buy and that the CTA takes them to another page and consequently they have to be looking for the product.

  4. Cart abandonment: work with your cart abandonment campaigns. Let your consumers know that the products that they have left in their shopping carts already have a discount.

  5. Video: 90% of online consumers say that video helps them in their purchase decision, so we recommend that you continue using it during this stage.

  6. Cross-selling: after the user makes a purchase, you can automate an email in which you send them products that match the items they have purchased, in this way you will be inviting them to continue consuming.

Although the Hot Sale seems far away, we recommend that you start planning your strategy as soon as possible, remember   forewarned is forearmed.

Wait!, before you go

We also recommend you our article: How to make a video email signature for Apple Mail? to make power emails.