Email marketing and digital trends

Valentine's Day Email Campaigns: Guide to Captivate Your Audience

Written by Viewed | Jan 18, 2024 10:18:50 AM

In the week leading up to February 14th, love is in the air, and searches related to Valentine's Day surge by 65%. But what are people really looking for? Examining the pulse of this season reveals an active quest for Valentine's Day gifts, making online shopping a highly popular option, as long as the gift arrives on time. In fact, interest in terms like "shipment tracking" rises by up to 27% during this time of the year.

In addition, the temporal proximity of this commercial date to the winter sales provides us with a valuable opportunity to keep consumers engaged and smoothly transition into the celebration of Valentine's Day. This smart strategy allows us to sustain consumer interest and effectively capitalize on the gains achieved during the winter sales.

Despite fluctuations in online spending due to inflation in recent years, e-commerce remains a robust component in the celebration of Valentine's Day. A strategic focus on email marketing can counteract general trends and maintain a steady flow of revenue during this romantic season.


Types of Emails for Valentine's Day

        1. Pre-Valentine's Day Promotional Emails

        2. Valentine's Day Newsletters with Gift Suggestions and Ideas

        3. Last Chance Purchase Reminder Emails

        4. Valentine's Day Congratulatory Email

        5. Newsletter to Inspire the Spirit of Valentine's Day

        6. Transactional Emails for Cart Abandonment Recovery

        7.  Optimizing the Post-Purchase Experience

Creating a Successful Email Marketing Strategy for Valentine's Day

        1. Know Your Audience

        2. Create an Engaging Subject Line for Valentine's Day

        3. Personalize Content and Offers

        4. Create Omnichannel Campaigns for Valentine's Day

        5. Optimize for Mobile Devices - Dark Mode

        6. Impactful Content for Valentine's Day Emails

        7. Conduct A/B Testing for Your Email Marketing Campaigns

        8. Measure and Analyze Results

Valentine's Day Email Marketing Calendar

Best Email Marketing Practices for Valentine's Day

How to Send a Valentine's Day Video via Email? 


Types of Emails for Valentine's Day

The key to a successful Valentine's Day Email Marketing strategy is to implement effective campaigns that resonate with your audience at every stage of the purchasing process. Below, we present a detailed guide with various types of email marketing campaigns that you can use to maximize impact during the February season.

1. Pre-Valentine's Day Promotional Emails

  • Objective: Build anticipation and awareness of special offers before Valentine's Day.
  • Content: Showcase products or services related to the occasion, provide sneak peeks of promotions, and create a sense of urgency.

2. Valentine's Day Newsletters with Gift Suggestions and Ideas

  • Objective: Provide inspiration for customers seeking gifts for their loved ones.
  • Content: Curate special gift selections, showcase featured products, offer ideas for item combinations, and provide exclusive discounts.

3. Last Chance Purchase Reminder Emails

  • Objective: Create a sense of urgency and remind customers about expiring offers.
  • Content: Emphasize the time limit of promotions, highlight product scarcity, and provide additional incentives for making a purchase.


4. Valentine's Day Congratulatory Email

  • Objective: Celebrate love and encourage customer engagement through a dynamic activity or a small gift.
  • Content: Send Valentine's Day greetings, include an exclusive discount code, invite subscribers to participate in a contest with prizes, or request participation in special surveys in exchange for gifts.

5. Newsletter to Inspire the Spirit of Valentine's Day

  • Objective: Stimulate engagement and establish an emotional connection with the audience through inspirational and non-promotional content.
  • Content: Share a selection of romantic songs in a Spotify playlist, present a thoughtful article about self-love and healthy relationships, provide a collection of romantic phrases or poems to inspire recipients.

6. Transactional Emails for Cart Abandonment Recovery

  •  Objective: Recover lost opportunities by rekindling the interest of customers in the products or services they've left in their carts, prompting them to complete the purchase.
  • Content: Include product videos in the email showcasing items in the cart, offer exclusive deals, and provide free shipping. Use clear and direct calls to action such as "Return to Cart," set time limits for offers, and create a sense of urgency.




7.  Optimizing the Post-Purchase Experience

  • Objective: Provide customers with updated information on the status of their purchase, whether for home delivery or in-store pickup, enhancing post-purchase satisfaction and transparency.
  • Content: Purchase confirmation, regular notifications on shipping progress or store availability, contact details for additional inquiries, invitation to share experiences and opinions on the purchase process.

Creating a Successful Email Marketing Strategy for Valentine's Day

As mentioned earlier, Email Marketing is a crucial strategy during the Valentine's Day season. Therefore, it's vital to create a successful strategy that resonates with your audience. To achieve this, it's necessary to implement a series of steps and actions that boost sales and strengthen the relationship with your customers.

1. Know Your Audience

Understanding the characteristics, behaviors, and preferences of your audience provides an opportunity for more effective segmentation, enabling you to send personalized and relevant messages. For instance, according to a recent study, consumers aged 35 to 44 are willing to spend an average of around $280 on Valentine's Day, making them the highest-spending group during this special occasion—an essential insight when segmenting your database.

You can also segment your database based on age, gender, geographic location, or purchase history. Knowing your customers' preferences, such as the products or services they have bought in the past, allows you to send offers and promotions aligned with their interests. This increases the relevance of your messages and the likelihood that recipients will engage with them.

2. Create an Engaging Subject Line for Valentine's Day

Crafting an attention-grabbing subject line in a Valentine's Day email marketing campaign is crucial to stand out in users' crowded inboxes. According to Email on Acid, the email flow during this season ranks second in volume, surpassed only by the influx of holiday emails. In this competitive context, where the competition for the recipient's attention is fierce, a thoughtfully designed subject line becomes the key tool to ensure your message doesn't go unnoticed.

Creating effective subject lines for your Valentine's Day campaigns involves following best practices and avoiding certain errors that could impact deliverability. Incorporating keywords like "gift ideas and cards," personalized greetings, and festive emojis can enhance the appeal of your messages. Moreover, if you plan to send a video via email, using the word "video" in the subject line has shown to increase the open rate by up to 20%.

However, due to new security policies implemented by Gmail and Yahoo this year, email filters have become stricter in detecting deceptive subject lines. To prevent your emails from being marked as spam, it's essential to avoid including words like "free," "discount," or "urgent" as these may be associated with phishing practices and unwanted advertising. Additionally, we recommend refraining from using language related to the sexual or personal realm to ensure your messages land in the recipients' inbox.

3. Personalize Content and Offers

When it comes to personalizing content and offers in your Valentine's Day email marketing campaigns, automation plays an essential role.

The integration of Customer Data Platforms (CDPs) and artificial intelligence allows for advanced segmentation and the efficient delivery of personalized emails. Thanks to these technological advances, businesses can now manage 1-to-1 email campaigns, ensuring that each user receives purchase information specifically tailored to their preferences and behaviors. This personalized approach not only enhances content relevance but also strengthens the connection with customers, significantly increasing the chances of conversion and loyalty.

4. Create Omnichannel Campaigns for Valentine's Day

The effective implementation of campaigns across various channels, from social media to online advertising, extends the reach of your message. Synchronization in email marketing enables a seamless and personalized experience for users, ensuring that key information and specific offers reach their inboxes directly. With this integration, customers can be consistently guided from the initial contact to conversion, thereby boosting the effectiveness and cohesion of the Valentine's Day email marketing strategy.

5. Optimize for Mobile Devices

Ensuring that your emails are accessible and visually appealing on mobile devices is crucial for providing an optimal user experience. In addition to using a responsive design, it's important to consider dark mode, an increasingly popular option among mobile device users.

Some email clients, such as Gmail for iOS or Zoho Mail, completely change colors when dark mode is activated. This change not only affects backgrounds but also transforms dark colors to light, which can have a significant impact on the original design of your emails.

While not all email providers allow specifying dark mode in HTML code, there are techniques to enhance visibility. By using media queries like "@media (prefers-color-scheme: dark)" and [data-ogsc] or [data-ogsb] (for the Outlook app on Android), you can indicate how your email will be displayed in dark mode.

To further optimize, test your design in both dark and light modes, use images with transparent backgrounds, and add a white outline to icons and text in dark colors. By implementing these techniques, you ensure that your emails are visually appealing on any device and optimize the experience for users who prefer dark mode.

6. Impactful Content for Valentine's Day Emails

In the context of Valentine's Day celebrations, where thematic emails are anticipated, keeping recipients' attention can be quite challenging. After the subject line, recipients tend to scan emails for relevant information, aiming to optimize their time. It's crucial to acknowledge that consumers already expect to receive content related to the celebration, intensifying their willingness to quickly review messages.

To prevent them from abandoning the email within the first few seconds, both the design and content must be impactful. Highlight crucial information, use an appealing yet clear design, and ensure that the essence of the message is immediately apparent.

7. Conduct A/B Testing for Your Email Marketing Campaigns

Conducting A/B tests emerges as a crucial step in the ongoing optimization of your email marketing campaigns. Experiment with different subject lines, visual content, and calls to action to identify which elements resonate best with your audience. Adjusting details such as the sending time or message personalization can make a significant difference in open rates and engagement. By committing to regular A/B testing, you can continuously fine-tune your strategies, ensuring each campaign reaches its maximum potential and aligns with the changing preferences of your audience.

8. Measure and Analyze Results

Una vez que hayas lanzado tus campañas de email marketing, es crucial pasar a la fase de medición y análisis para evaluar su éxito. Utiliza las herramientas analíticas de tu CRM o ESP para monitorear métricas clave, como las tasas de apertura, los clics y las conversiones. No olvides que Gmail ofrece el panel de estadísticas Post Tools, el cual te permitirá evaluar el rendimiento de los correos enviados a los usuarios de esta plataforma después de verificar tu dominio de email.

A través de la interpretación de estos datos, podrás identificar patrones, comprender las preferencias de tu audiencia y ajustar estrategias para futuras campañas. Este enfoque analítico no solo proporciona una visión clara del rendimiento pasado, sino que también sienta las bases para una mejora continua, permitiéndote adaptarte dinámicamente a las necesidades cambiantes de tu audiencia y maximizar el impacto de tus futuras iniciativas de email marketing.

Valentine's Day Email Marketing Calendar

Clearly define the types of emails to be sent in each phase, ensuring you adapt your approach based on user expectations each week. From early notices of offers to post-Valentine's Day thank-you messages, careful planning ensures each email contributes to the overall narrative of your campaign, maximizing its impact.

  • Last week of January: Build anticipation by sending an early notice about your upcoming actions or promotions. Showcase your new seasonal collections in advance and create excitement among your customers. Provide details about delivery and in-store pickup options so your customers can plan their purchases conveniently.

  • First week of February: Send gift lists and suggestions. It's also a good time to engage them in end-of-season abandoned cart recovery campaigns or conduct interactive activities and contests to encourage user involvement.

  • Second week of February: Spread the love. Send messages containing valuable content to ignite the sparks of romance and tenderness. Don't forget to schedule reminders for upcoming expiring promotions.

  • February 13-15: Make the most of last-minute deals and share stories of your interactions with customers. Remember that many people leave gift shopping to the last moment. While you might think February 15 is too late, consider that, depending on the geographical area where you send your messages, people may be receiving their paychecks until this day.

  • Post-Valentine's Week: Offer incredible discounts on products that didn't sell during the love week, and continue your strategies to recover abandoned shopping carts to maintain sales momentum. Additionally, you can start cross-selling campaigns to offer your customers products or services related to what they have already purchased. 

Best Email Marketing Practices for Valentine's Day

Now that we've explored the necessary steps to create an email marketing strategy, let's discuss additional tips that will help you optimize your campaigns and achieve better results.

  • Strategic Timing and Day: Send your emails at times and days that maximize the attention of your recipients, taking into account the time zone of your database.
  • Relevant and Consistent Content: Avoid mixing different types of content in a single message. For example, reserve sales receipt messages for confirmations and do not include additional promotions.
  • Avoid Spoofing: Do not act as another domain or sender without permission to avoid being marked as spam, especially by providers like Gmail.
  • Marking Internal Messages as Spam: Avoid marking internal messages as spam, as this can negatively impact your domain's reputation and harm future deliveries.
  • Ethical Acquisition of Addresses: Do not buy email addresses from other businesses, and make sure to send only to people who have voluntarily subscribed.
  • Avoid Automatic Subscriptions: Do not use subscription forms that fill out automatically, as this may be restricted in some areas. Design clear and attractive calls to action (CTAs) that guide your customers toward specific actions.
  • Encourage Interactivity: Incorporate interactive elements such as opinion surveys or "Add to Cart" calls to action to increase engagement and improve the user experience.

Creativity in Non-Promotional Content: In addition to promotions, add non-promotional content such as playlists, thoughtful articles, or collections of romantic phrases to inspire and establish an emotional connection with your audience. During February, there is also an increase in interest in search terms like "romantic songs," "Valentine's Day cards," and "love phrases in English.

How to Send a Valentine's Day Video via Email?

Sending a Valentine's Day video via email not only adds a personal and emotional touch to your message but can also significantly increase recipient engagement. By embedding a video directly into the email template, you ensure that your visual content plays instantly, capturing the user's attention within the first 8 seconds and encouraging them to click for more information.

However, the challenge of sending videos via email lies in overcoming compatibility differences with various email clients, as not all support the same multimedia formats. This is where Viewed stands out as the ultimate solution, using intelligent technology to adapt video content to the recipient's technology, enabling a seamless multimedia experience within the email itself.


To insert a video into an email, simply follow these steps:

  1. Free Registration on Viewed: Create a free account at to access the platform indefinitely.
  2. Upload Your Video to Viewed: Upload your video to the Viewed platform for its advanced technology to process and adapt it to a variety of email clients.
  3. Copy and Paste the HTML Code: Once processed, copy the embedding HTML code provided by Viewed.
  4. Embed the Video in Your Email Template: Paste the HTML code into your email template, ensuring the video plays instantly upon opening the message.
  5. Send the Campaign with Your CRM or ESP: Use your usual CRM or ESP to send your email marketing campaign with the integrated video.

With 99% compatibility with major email sending platforms, Viewed becomes an essential tool to make the most of videos in your Valentine's Day strategy, providing an immersive visual experience and increasing engagement with your recipients.