Email marketing and digital trends

Boost Your Customer Journey with Video Email Marketing

Written by Viewed | Oct 11, 2024 9:11:57 AM
Understanding the journey customers undertake from their first encounter with a brand to becoming loyal followers is fundamental. This journey, known as the Customer Journey, serves as a roadmap guiding businesses toward success. In this article, we will explore how the Customer Journey interweaves with a powerful marketing tool: video, and how its strategic use in email marketing can make a significant difference in the way companies connect and engage with their customers.



How to Use Video in Each Stage of the Customer Journey

        Discovery Stage

        Consideration Stage

        Acquisition Stage

        Service Stage

How to Include a Video in Email

Optimisation and Metrics


What is the Customer Journey?

The customer journey refers to the path a consumer follows from the moment they become aware of a brand or product to when they complete a desired action, such as making a purchase or becoming a loyal customer. This journey typically consists of three key stages: discovery, acquisition, and service.

  • Discovery: In this phase, consumers are exploring options and searching for solutions to their needs or problems. It is the initial stage, where capturing their attention is crucial. The goal here is to create a positive impression and generate interest in the brand.

  • Consideration: Once potential customers have shown interest, they enter the consideration phase. Here, the focus is on convincing them to take the next step, which might be making a purchase or signing up for a mailing list.

  • Acquisition: The acquisition stage marks the peak of the process, where the customer decides to buy.

  • Service: The relationship with the customer does not end with the purchase. The service stage involves providing ongoing support, addressing the customer’s needs, and keeping them engaged to foster long-term loyalty.

How to Use Video in Each Stage of the Customer Journey

Discovery Stage

The discovery stage in the Customer Journey is like the beginning of an adventure for the customer, where they start to explore the wonders of a brand and discover all the possibilities it offers. In the world of email marketing, this stage is even more significant, as it represents the first encounter a brand has with a potential customer.

At this stage, customers are in the initial process of familiarizing themselves with a brand or product. They explore different options and start forming their first impressions. It’s essential for businesses to recognize that this process begins even before the customer interacts with or subscribes to the brand.

The first email a subscriber receives from a brand has a lasting impact. It’s an opportunity to make a positive impression, build trust, and set clear expectations. Capturing the subscriber’s attention in this initial contact is crucial to maintaining their interest and encouraging future engagement. This is where video can truly shine, as it’s a highly effective way to convey information in an engaging and memorable way.

The welcome email is a powerful tool for establishing a strong relationship with your subscribers. By including videos in this email, you can add a human touch to your brand by introducing your team, sharing your company’s story, and highlighting the values and mission that define you. Videos have the ability to convey information in a more emotional and personal way, allowing you to connect with your subscribers from the very first moment in a unique and special way.

Video Examples in the Discovery Stage:

  • Personalized Welcome Videos: Send a personalized welcome video that includes the subscriber’s name and a brief introduction to the brand and its products or services. This creates a closer connection right from the start.

  • Explainer Videos: Use short videos to explain how your product or service solves specific customer problems. Explainer videos are perfect for delivering clear, concise information.

  • Success Stories: Share video testimonials from satisfied customers. These stories humanize your brand and show that others have succeeded with your products or services.

  • Educational Content: Provide valuable, industry-related content through educational videos. This demonstrates your expertise and adds extra value for the subscriber.

Consideration Stage

The consideration stage in the customer journey  the moment when consumers are ready to move beyond simple interest and start seriously contemplating the purchase of a product or service.

In the realm of email marketing, this stage is closely tied to the ability to persuade subscribers to take specific actions. It’s when email marketing becomes more focused on sales and conversions.

Video Examples in the Consideration Stage:

Video can be a highly persuasive and effective tool at this point. Here are some ways to use videos to motivate subscribers to act:

  • Product or Service Demonstration Videos: Show how your product or service is used in real life and highlight its benefits. Demonstration videos can clear up doubts and boost customer confidence.

  • Offer and Promotion Videos: Announce special offers or discounts through engaging videos. Promotional videos can create a sense of urgency and excitement among subscribers.

  • Customer Testimonial Videos: Share real experiences from satisfied customers who have used your products or services. Video testimonials can increase credibility and persuade undecided subscribers.

  • Product Launch Videos: Introduce a new product or service in a video that showcases its features and benefits. These videos can generate excitement and anticipation.

  • Webinar Invitations: Invite subscribers to a video webinar where they can gain valuable insights related to your industry or product. You can then present an offer at the end of the webinar.

  • Educational Video Series: Create a series of videos that address common problems or challenges faced by your customers and explain how your product or service can solve them.

Acquisition Stage

The acquisition stage is when the customer has progressed from initial interest and is ready to make the purchase. Despite being convinced, issues may still arise during the buying process, such as technical difficulties, transaction errors, or last-minute doubts. Email marketing techniques play a crucial role in resolving these problems and ensuring the purchase is completed successfully.

Video Examples in the Acquisition Stage:

At this advanced stage, video in email marketing can be a valuable tool to address concerns and clear up any remaining doubts:

  • Technical Support Videos: Provide videos that address common technical issues, such as payment problems, website navigation difficulties, or login troubles. These videos can guide customers through resolving these issues themselves.

  • Live Customer Support Videos: Offer access to a live customer service agent via video who can provide immediate assistance with more complex issues or answer specific questions.

  • Personalized Cart Recovery Videos: Send an email with a personalized video summarizing the details of the products the user has added to their cart, along with any promotions or additional information about delivery times and return policies. This approach builds customer trust and offers a more personalized shopping experience.

Service Stage

The service stage in the customer journey is essential for maintaining customer loyalty and fostering long-term relationships. At this stage, the focus is on providing ongoing support, meeting the customer's needs, and keeping them engaged.

The importance of this phase lies in customer retention. A satisfied customer is more likely to make additional purchases and become a brand advocate. Email marketing practices play a key role in maintaining the relationship with the customer during this stage, ensuring exceptional service.

Video Examples in the Service Stage

Video is an effective tool to enhance the subscriber experience during the service stage. Here are a few ways videos can play a crucial role:

  • Support and Tutorial Videos: Provide videos that help customers solve common issues or use products and services efficiently. These videos save customers time and enhance satisfaction.

  • Update and Announcement Videos: Keep customers informed about the latest product updates, new features, or improvements through videos. This shows you care about their experience and are committed to continuous improvement.

  • Thank You and Follow-up Videos: Send personalized thank-you videos after a purchase or significant interaction to show appreciation for customer loyalty.

How to Include a Video in Email

There are several ways to add videos to your emails. Below, we explore three common methods for including videos in your emails.

1. Images with Links to YouTube

This method involves inserting a static image resembling a video thumbnail into the email, which redirects the user to a video hosting platform, such as YouTube, when clicked. While this is easy to implement, it has some drawbacks:

  • Third-party Dependence: The user must leave the email to view the video on YouTube, which can interrupt the experience and reduce conversion rates.

  • Tracking Loss: It's harder to track viewing metrics and user behavior when the video is hosted on an external platform.

2. Animated GIFs

Animated GIFs are moving images that can be inserted into the email. They provide a quick preview of the video content and are easy to create. However, they also have limitations:

  • Large File Size: Animated GIFs can take up significant space in the email, slowing load times.

  • Compatibility Issues: Some email platforms do not support animated GIFs, which can affect your message's effectiveness if the content isn't visible.

  • Limited Quality: GIFs generally offer lower image and sound quality compared to traditional videos.

3. Using Viewed to Embed Videos Directly in Email

Viewed is a technology that allows videos to be embedded directly in emails, overcoming many limitations of previous methods. Some benefits of using Viewed include:

  • Instant Playback: Videos are optimized for each inbox in real-time and start playing when the user opens the email, significantly improving the user experience.

    Advanced Metrics: Viewed provides detailed metrics such as viewing time, click-through rates, and conversion rates, making it easier to track and optimize campaigns.

    Increased Engagement: Embedded videos in emails typically result in higher click-through rates and audience retention.

How to Use Viewed in Your Email Marketing Strategy

  • Sign up for Viewed: Start by creating a free account on the Viewed platform.

  • Upload Your Video: Upload the video you want to use in your email campaign to the Viewed platform.

  • Process the Video: Viewed will automatically optimize the video for smooth playback in different email clients.

  • Copy and Paste the Embed Code: Once processed, Viewed will provide you with an embed code. Copy it and paste it into your email template.

  • Send the Email: Use your usual CRM or ESP to send the email to your subscriber list. When recipients open the email, the video will play automatically.

Using video in the service stage ensures a seamless, engaging experience for your customers, boosting satisfaction and loyalty.

Optimisation and Metrics

Optimising and tracking video campaigns in email marketing is essential to ensure you're maximising your return on investment and providing the best possible experience for your subscribers throughout the customer journey.

This process allows you to identify which strategies are working and which need adjustments to improve retention, conversion, and customer satisfaction.

Key Metrics to Evaluate the Performance of Your Email Marketing Campaigns

Email Open Rate: This metric measures how many of your subscribers open emails containing videos. A low open rate may indicate that the subject line or email content is not compelling enough.

Click-Through Rate (CTR): Track how many subscribers click on links within the email. This reveals how many are engaged and interested in your content.

Number of Video Views: Measures how many users watched your video. This helps you gauge the initial interest in your video content.

Audience Retention: This metric assesses the level of engagement with your video content, helping you understand the impact and interest generated among your subscribers.

Conversion Rate: Tracks how many subscribers took the desired action, such as making a purchase or registering for an event. This is crucial for measuring the direct impact on conversions.

Unsubscribe Rate: Measures how many subscribers choose to stop receiving your emails. A high unsubscribe rate may indicate that your content is not relevant or that you’re emailing too frequently.

Analysis of Open and Viewing Times: By analysing the times when your emails are most frequently opened, you can determine the optimal time to send your campaigns and effectively reach your audience.

Regularly tracking and optimising these metrics ensures your email marketing campaigns remain effective and aligned with your business goals, driving better results across all stages of the Customer Journey.