
Master Your Email Marketing Campaign for Higher Conversions

Email marketing is not a simple task; there are many rules, codes, tactics... remembering what you did so that the last time it turned out well. In the world of marketing, there is nothing written, and big brands always try to stand out from their competitors with fun, original, and viral email marketing campaigns. Being in contact with your audience, knowing how they behave, and even anticipating their needs are the key factors to success. How can email marketing help you?

Today we are going to talk about the email marketing campaigns that you should send.

Before starting

Before starting any email marketing campaign, you need to choose a good email marketing tool.

Easymailing is simple and intiutive, from the first moment you can know your opening rates, import contact lists and create forms for your new followers.

In addition, with its mailing templates, you can send your promotional campaigns or your newsletters as we will see below.


The newsletter is perhaps the best known form of email marketing, surely you have many things to tell to your followers, the launching of a new product, the success of your last offer or the novelties of the month. Take advantage of this format to stay in touch with your audience.

If you want to keep your followers informed without having to appeal to social networks, a newsletter can be the solution to reach a larger audience.

Email marketing tips include planning a shipping calendar: weekly, monthly... and establishing what you want to improve (conversion rate, fewer abandoned carts, or even having more visits to your blog).

In this way, your followers will be looking forward to receiving your newsletter while waiting for new promotions or news.

What if you do it with a video?

More and more companies are using dynamic content to capture the attention of their customers. With Viewed, a simple and intuitive tool, you can create your promotional corporate videos. Plus, you can easily send video via email within your campaigns. By combining Viewed and Easymailing, you have a successful combo that can significantly enhance customer retention.

Promotional email campaigns

Surely within your email marketing content strategy, you have irresistible discounts prepared for your customers and if you don't have them ... What better time to start?

The key to these campaigns lies in segmentation: offer your customers what they need based on their age, gender or any other categorization.

The most important thing in these campaigns is to create a sense of need or urgency in your audience. Including a countdown or limiting the promotion to a certain number of units will create a need of purchase.

Put a countdown in your email ... Let your clients see that they have little time! Success lies in knowing your audience and anticipate to their needs.

Seasonal email campaigns

Your customers are waiting for Black Friday, Cyber Monday, or Christmas sales... Remind them that they are close! There are some dates that you should not forget, but if you want to have an original touch, take advantage of your own business dates. For example, if you sell Funkos, take advantage of Geek Pride Day to launch that long-awaited offer. Your conversion rate will surely increase with email marketing examples!

The most important thing is that the offers should be sensible so that your client does not feel cheated, since that can affect your reputation and future campaigns.

If you want to create seasonal campaigns, Easymailing offers you templates categorized by seasons (Halloween, Cybermonday, Black Friday…) You just have to design and send them… And you can also share them on your social networks!

Combining email marketing with social networks is very important, do you know the advantages? We explain you how to combine a Social Media strategy with E-mail marketing.

Loyalty email campaigns

In the world of marketing, loyalty and acquisition is more important than the sales themselves. Having a legion of followers who share your content and interact with you is the key to success.

To create a good loyalty campaign, you need to segment your customers, for example, by purchase date: if they have bought recently, ask them to leave a positive review in exchange for a discount or a gift on their next purchase. If there are people on your lists who have not bought in recent months, send them a personal message saying that you miss them and that they will get an irresistible discount in the next purchase. This is one of the most effective email marketing techniques to retain your regular customers.

In this way, you will retain your regular customers and a customer who had forgotten about you may return.

Consumers will feel part of the family if you interact with them and show them that you have not forgotten them.

Invitation campaigns

At last but not at least, we have invitation campaigns, since much more important than conversion rates and sales is loyalty.

Creating email marketing campaigns where you announce your raffles and promotions on social networks will increase your followers and the relationship you have with them.

For example, if you have launched a raffle on Instagram or Facebook, remind them with an email that they still have time to participate. Send them to your Fan Page and if they still don't follow you… What are you waiting for? Invite them to do so!

The most important thing doesn't matter the email you decide to send, is very important that you know your audience ... Don't be afraid of being wrong, you can always ask for forgiveness.

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